Chlorine Free and Chlorine Alternative Pool Systems
Learn about chlorine-free pool care
Copper Ionization
Copper is the premiere method with which to eliminate algae, and is the main ingredient in almost every popular pool algaecide product. Copper has been used for centuries to purify water, and copper ions became popular as an algaecide over the last fifty years after being developed by the Apollo Space Program to provide safe drinking water. A small amount of electricity enables the production of copper ions which return into the pool from water that passes through the ionizer cell. The copper ions remain to provide latent algae protection in the swimming pool water.
When set properly, the level of copper ions are precisely maintained at a healthy level, less than 2/10 parts per million. At this level, you could drink two and a half gallons of pool water and not even get the minimum daily requirement of copper!
Titanium / Platinum Oxidation
Systems that use platinum-coated titanium plates in their cell use the process of electrolysis to create two powerful methods that treat the swimming pool water. A small electric charge between the two plates creates an electro-physical separation of the water molecules (H2O) into free oxygen molecules and hydroxyl radicals (OH). It is this process which also eliminates body oils, sun screens, tanning lotions, and other organic material. These two powerful oxidizers are natural, non-caustic cleaners that will keep your pool more pure and clear than you ever thought possible.
What is a Chlorine Free system?
These water purification systems are the most advanced way to have a non-chlorine pool. This proven technology is similar to the equipment used to produce high-quality bottled water. The automatic electronic controls constantly provide sparkling-clear water while killing algae, bacteria, and viruses. Best of all, these complete systems make it easy to convert your pool!
How do Chlorine Free systems work?
Every time your pump runs, your water passes through a two-stage electrolytic cell that automatically comes on and destroys bacteria and pathogens. At the same time, it adds a small dose of copper ions that reside in the pool and prevent algae. The electronic controls are easy to operate and require very little oversight once the proper settings are identified for your particular pool.